Friday, August 28, 2020


 Hey guys sorry for the lack of post today. just been having a ruff day lacking creativity and motivation. I'm sure you noticed today was suppose to be request day and I'm sorry I didn't post any. just didn't feel like doing all of that work that goes into a request day today since I've been having a bad day with my depression. That being said Hopefully you guys don't hate me for this but i've decided that instead of doing one big request day I'm just gonna post the request you guys send in just like anything else on the blog. so basically i'm going to start posting requests just like regular post. As this will relieve a lot of stress off me and make it more fun for me to do requests as being able to post them when I want rather than 1 big day will allow me to enjoy it more as I won't feel so much pressure to rush out the requests and get them done.  This will also allow me to put more time and effort into the requests. Everyone who has sent in there requests and I've excepted so far will get them can't gaurntee an exact time but they will be posted on the blog. and anyone who sends in a request and I except will get them done and the request will be posted sometime on the blog. Basically what im saying is still taking requests and writing them. just not posting all in one day anymore but at random times on the blog. Once again I'm sorry for skipping out on you guys today and hope everyones okay with this decision.  and also hope everyones not mad at me over it. with that being said keep on requesting and thank you to the people who've sent in requests i promise you'll get them in time so keep an eye out. 


  1. You do you, kid. Make yourself happy.

    1. Thank you I'm glad you understand appreciate the kind words.

  2. It's no problem at all friend do what's best for you that is all that matters in the end.

  3. It's no problem am looking forward to your captions they are great
