Thursday, March 25, 2021

Magic Dimples

 My first cap in a new concept called, Wish Come True Fountain. Basically, this concept goes like this a magical fountain called the wish come true fountain appears at a mall or somewhere else randomly.  people can throw a coin in and have a wish come true, only thing the fountain will eventually disappear (kinda like spells R' us) leaving them stuck with whatever scenario the wish put them in but while the fountain is there they can wish as many times as they want and could possibly undo their wish by using another wish if they wanted.  also it is important to note once the fountain disappears only people who wish something or are affected by a wish,and are still affected by it at the time of the fountain's disappearance,and have knowledge of their being a wish made affecting them will remember it.   This concept may evolve more over time but for now thats the basics of it hope you enjoy.