Thursday, March 4, 2021

New Body High (Follow Up)

 Hey here is another follow-up as part of the follow-up week. This one is to a cap I did called New Body High in case you haven't read the original cap here is a link.  New Body High hope you enjoy and also just a PSA I was planning to post every day this week but something got in the way. Don't worry you will still get the same amount of follow up caps as I was planning. so you will still get those 4 caps I was planning on writing the 4 days I missed.  as always would love feedback on this cap


  1. Its intresting that a bit of character they swaped too ^^ btw u not forgot my request did u?

    1. I thought it was an interesting way to write a follow up to the original cap to so I'm glad you appreciate the little bit of character change between them as for your request no I have not forgot but as I said it was going to be a while And you have several other peoples request in front of yours. I promise eventually it will come though :) thank you for your patients and understand. Of course as always thank you for reading commenting and requesting .
