Friday, November 20, 2020

Devilish Smile

 Request Number 5 of request day for unknown "Hey can I get a request where a guy who is obsessed with Madeleine pestch finds a reversal ring gives it to her and switches bodies with her only to throw away the ring and claim his new life 


  1. Hey, loving the caps. Just wanted to check up on the modern family swap one I requested. If you don't wanna do it that's totally fine. I get there's a lot of requests. If you're not interested, would you mind me giving it to someone else?

    1. glad your loving the caps, and don't know if im going to be able to get that one out before the end of the day today. or at least part 1 cause i think i was gonna do a series with that one. If you want me to I do wanna do it there is a lot of requests and it just takes, and I do apologize for that. I am interested but I don't mind you giving it to someone else as it may be a while before I can get around to it so totally understand if you want to and I won't be mad at all so feel free. so yeah if you wanna do that that's fine but its up to you my friend. if you do decide to give this to someone else is there something I can do to make up for it maybe a simple one off request if that's cool with you? only thing please let me know what you've decided on giving it to someone else or not that way I know once again won't be mad if you do thanks for reading and requesting.

  2. I'm still interested in seeing what you do with it. It can be released in parts if that makes it easier. Just wanted to know if it was still on your radar or lost in the pile
