Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Curious Case Of Robbie Quabeck

 Hey, I know with everything going on right now a virus cap may be a little risky to post so hope I don't offend anyone. it's just a concept I made and wanted to start using. It's not about the coronavirus by any means or meant to be offensive in any way.  Instead, it is meant to be an escape from what's going on in the world just like the rest of the caps on my blog. My heart goes out to anyone who has lost friends are loved ones to the coronavirus I am so sorry for your loss. One last thing The basic concept of this cap and genre is an astronaut comes back from mars carrying a space spore inside him. The spore is a virus known as the celebrity virus which transforms people infected into different duplicates of celebs. Hope you guys enjoy.


  1. Oh nice i liked can i be in next part its up to who i will be some beautiful woman i look forward to it

    1. glad you liked it remember you still have a lot of requests out so it'll be a while before this one is released.

  2. Can celebrities turn into other celebs because of the virus or are they immuned? Also, can the virus make duplicates of the same celeb twice, like two people turning into Emma Stone?

    1. Celebs can turn into other celebs and the virus can make multiple duplicates of the same celeb
